Maami, Your Home Was Open To All At All Times-Tejumola Ayeni Eulogises Mother, Ebunlomo

Eunic Oladunni Ayeni
Eunic Oladunni Ayeni

Maami, when the phone rang on 8th of April 2020, I knew you were gone because I saw you the day before through a video call and knew the time was near.

I tried all I could to be with you before you left but the lockdown caused by covid 19. didn’t make that possible.

Since I was a little girl, i had always been afraid of the day you will pass on to glory. I had always been afraid of how broken and shattered my heart will be.

Whenever anyone died, my tears were more because of the thought of you. I just couldn’t imagine life without you. Alas, you are gone and my heart is indeed broken and shattered.

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In my dreams now I find myself searching for you my mother, friend and confidant. During the day, I have the constant urge to pick my phone and call you. That was our daily routine. My day is not complete without hearing your voice.

You were the only parent i knew and loved since our father passed on when I was still very young.

I love you beyond what words can express Maami.

You are permanently in my heart.Maami, you chose to stay and not remarry when your husband died even though you were still young and beautiful.

You stayed because of the love you had for your children.You were like a rock that will always be there. I just couldn’t imagine you not being there.

You always stood in the gap for us. You wanted only the best for us. You were our run to at any time. A friend indeed and confidant. Our greatest support. You were gentle and firm yet a true disciplinarian.

You were always forgiving people who hurt you. You never encouraged us to repay evil with evil. I remember you always said we should strive to make more friends and not enemies.You were a great giver.

You gave your all to your children, siblings and all that came in contact with you. You couldn’t imagine going on a visit without taking something with you no matter how small.

You kept buying things for us your children as you saw fit. On the hospital bed, you told me of the earring you bought for me that was to be my Christmas gift even though you were battling for your life from a sickness that had no head or tail.

Ah Maami, you exhibited exceptional strength and courage on that bed. You told me you loved us too much and would rather die than weep over anyone of us.

ABIYAMO TOOTO.Maami, you were hospitable, your home was open at all times to everyone.

You only needed to hear that someone was in need of a place to live and you open your arms, resources and home. It didn’t matter the tribe, religion or culture. I often wondered how you could afford to feed so many mouths in the house since you were a civil servant.

Even when you retired, you didn’t stop your generosity and hospitality. You were a neat and highly organised mum, even till the end. You couldn’t stand laziness.Maami, you were beautiful in and out.

When people tell me i look like you,i tell them I don’t match your beauty.Oh maami, you taught me good morals, you taught me organisation, discipline and simplicity. You taught me to strive for perfection in all I do.

You taught me to cook,even though I never matched up to your cooking skills. You were the best cook,no one’s food could match with yours. I wonder how you always did it. Your soup was always delicious even when there was nothing in it. Oh how I will miss that.

You taught me to read and appreciate the beauty in books from a very young age. I remember how you use to post novels to me when i was in primary and secondary schools since I didn’t stay with you most of that time.

I can never forget the wise and quiet look you always gave me when you think I wasn’t doing what was right.. Maami, you were an expert at using your eyes to pass across a message without the third party knowing what you were telling.

I love you Maami.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Tejumola Ayeni Okunuga, people smiling

You were a no non sense woman and i loved you for it. You were one woman who stood up for what was right always.

I miss you already and my heart is broken but of these I’m grateful to God:That you were a good and very strong woman and you left us that legacy.That you were a gift to the world even as your name implied( Ebunlomo).

That you knew Christ and served him. That your saviour came for you at the time appointed and his angels ushered you home. That you are now resting from all the toils, pains, sorrows, disappointments and evil of this world. That death is the worst thing the enemy can do.

That you have the last laugh because you are with the one that loves you most.That we will meet again at the feet of Jesus Christ where we will tell our story and understand it all.

I wish you are here to physically see all your many desires for us come to pass but I have the confidence that you have joined the witnesses in heaven and will be there cheering us up as those desires eventually come to pass.

Good night maami. You live forever in my heart.

Your daughter,Tejumola Ayeni Okunuga.


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