Joseph, I Believe You Are In A Better Place Resting

Joseph Nimzing Barmwang.

I still can’t believe today makes it a year already.

Just like yesterday, the memories still fresh in my head, how we use to laugh and crack jokes, how we would talk about life in the future, how you had planned your life for the future, only for the light to be dimmed too soon.

Joseph Nimzing Barmwang.

This only reminds me of how short this life could be, it reminds me that nothing in this life is worth taking too serious, it reminds me to live every day of my life like it’s my last. Cos everything here is all vanity upon vanity.

I believe you are in a better place resting in peace, away from the hustle and bustle of this world. You will forever remain in my heart brother, Rest on my friend, rest on Joseph Nimzing Barmwang.

Deejay Sa’id

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