The Norths’ Funeral On Tyler Perry

Suffocated Twins
Ariel & Alaynah North

So much has been said about the death of Ariel and Alaynah North deaths. In case you missed it, they are twins, approximately 16 months old. Their father, Asa North, is currently charged with manslaughter for forgetting them in his car causing the death of the twins due to very high exposure to heat in the car.

The father claims he forgot them in an extremely hot car in their hometown of Georgia and has since been arrested and charged for Manslaughter. Their mother, Breal Ellis, had to create a Gofund me account to cover the funeral cost.

Funded Funeral
A Generous Giver

However, the good news is, acclaimed actor and producer, Tyler Perry, according to multiple sources, has agreed to fund the funeral costs. This is a good example of helping out in trying times. The family obviously is shaken with the whole incident and every help will definitely go a long way.

Let’s imbibe the good done by others. Let’s find a way to always help out a grieving individual or family. They need our love. They need our support.
