Stop Believing In Superstitions- Forbes CEO, Charles Awuzie, Pens His Thoughts On The Business of Immortalising Our Departed Loved Ones

Funeral Business Is Good Business: Why your wealth could be hidden in markets people dread…

The Global Death Care Services Market is valued at 113 Billion Dollars. In USA, Death care businesses make at least 20 Billion USD annually.

In South Africa, death is big business. There’s no single entrepreneur in the Death industry who’s not rich or at least comfortable – and no, it has nothing to do with witchcraft.

The industry is expected to grow to 165.3 Billion USD in 2027 at a compound annual growth rate of 7.7%.

You can own the following:

  1. A funeral home and handle funeral events from planning, storage to burial.
  2. Coffin Factory and Tombstones: This is a multimillion dollar special furniture and art industry – you will never go broke.
  3. High Class Cemetery: Imagine getting a government licence to convert your plots to a cemetery and build a world class cemetery for the rich. Google the world’s tallest cemetery where Pele was buried. It was built by Businessman Pepé Altstut and costs about $21,000 to rent it every 3 years. That’s real estate on st£roids.
  4. Funeral Insurance Covers: Funerals are expensive. Imagine an insurance company in your country that covers people from 30 years and above. Members will contribute monthly towards the burial of their loved ones and themselves.

The Death Industry has less competition because of the sentiments attached to death. But anyone who braves it ends up building a generational wealth that will outlive them.

Stop believing superstitions about mortuaries…. Those are stories told by mortuary owners to scare you away from entering the business – this is what a friend who owns a funeral home told me. According to him, the more people fear the death industry, the less competition they have and the more money they make.

I know this is a controversial post….I know this is not a common thought process…I know this will scare some AVERAGE NIGERIANS….I know some people will scream “God forbid” yet they will hire the services of APAMS Ltd to bury their relatives. APAMS owner, Mr. Kevin Chimaobi is a multimillionaire and a dedicated Christian. He was born in Umuahia and used to be scared of mortuaries until he travelled to America and saw how they operate funeral homes.

He came back to Nigeria to establish APAMS and today, he leads the market. I know someone close to him and they say he has never used Juju for anything and just laughs at the ignorance of people who fear him. But he enjoys your superstition because it gives him monopoly and helps him save money since many relatives will see his money as Ritual money.

My name is Charles Awuzie and I know that YOUR MONEY MAY BE HIDING IN INDUSTRIES PEOPLE DREAD. It’s called riches of the dark places.


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